Ok, its taken me a while to actually get some pictures on my computer. Its been a little busy but here are a few of the newest member of our family, Amaya Elizabeth. She was born Aug 12 at 2:30 in the morning. I went into the hospital at about 7:00 that night and I thought she was for sure coming before midnight, but she didn't. It was a great surprise since I was CONVINCED that I was having a boy! I even had boy clothes all ready to go in the dresser. Then there was little Amaya, 6 lbs 10 oz, only 18.5 inches long, she is a peanut. She has been a great baby so far, doesnt cry much, which is completely different than her older sister. Dylan and Natters can not get enough of her, they are always kissing her and trying to help out. They both are adjusting in their own way, as good as can be expected. :)

A few minutes after she was born getting cleaned up.

the kids visiting us in the hospital and seeing Amaya for the first time.

Big brother kissing her. Every night before bed he says, "I love you Amaya" and kisses her on the head. How precious?!

Tim got his arm "stamped" with her foot prints. I love how it turned out in pictures. The nurse said that some people actually get that done and then go get a tatoo of them. Tim decided to pass on the tatoos.

This was our first attempt at pictures. She was not happy for most of them and for the rest her eyes were closed. But this one turned out, I'll try again tomorrow.